Wednesday, August 8, 2012
AM 8:30-9:30
Plenary 5
Chair: Melissa Coleman (Claremont McKenna College)
- Constance Scharff (Freie Universitaet)
Is FoxP2 a candidate for 'deep homology'?
AM 10:00-12:00
Invited Symposium 4: Variability in intrinsic properties of neurons and their synaptic connections: consequences for the functional output of neuronal networksÂ
Chair: Ronald Calabrese (Emory University)
- Jean-Marc Goaillard (INSERM Marseille): Variability and co-variation of ion
channel properties in mammalian pacemaker neurons.
- Akira Sakurai (Georgia State University): Individual variability in synaptic properties has
functional consequences for susceptibility to and recovery from lesion of a central pattern
- Brian J. Norris, Angela Wenning and Ronald L. Calabrese (California State University and
Emory University): Animal-to-animal variability in temporal pattern and synaptic strength: implications for functional coordination of motor neurons by the heartbeat CPG of leeches.
- Eve Marder (Brandeis University): Temperature perturbations reveal variability in cellular and
circuit properties in a rhythmic motor system.
Invited Symposium 5: Multiple cues for orientation: Integration, hierarchy and representation of cues
Chair: Rachel Muheim (Lund University)
- Robert I. Holbrook and Theresa Burt de Perera (Oxford University): Spatial cognition: the representation of three-dimensional space.
- Arseny Finkelstein, Dori Derdikman, Jakob Foerster, Liora Las and Nachum Ulanovsky (Weizman Institute and Technion): 3-D head-direction cells in the bat presubiculum.
- Rachel Muheim (Lund University): Magnetic compass orientation and polarized light sensitivity in birds - behavioural and physiological mechanisms of cue integration.
- Mandyam Srinivasan (University of Queensland): Multimodal sensing for flight control and navigation in honeybees.
Invited Symposium 6: No oxygen, no problem! The neuroethology of hypoxia tolerant mammals
Chair: Thomas Park (University of Illinois, Chicago)
- Kelly L. Drew and Jeanette T. Moore (University of Alaska): Resistance to cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury in the Arctic Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) does not depend on the hibernation season.
- Sarah Milton, Howard Prentice and Shailaja Kesaraju (Florida Atlantic University): Adaptations for long term anoxia tolerance reduce oxidative stress in the freshwater turtle Trachemys scripta.
- Lars P. Folkow (University of Tromso): When the brain goes diving: Adaptations for cerebral hypoxia tolerance in diving mammals.
- John Larson, Bethany L. Peterson, Madeline Romano and Thomas J. Park (University of Illinois, Chicago): Buried alive! Arrested development and hypoxia tolerance in the naked mole-rat.