Friday, August 10, 2012
AM 8:30-9:30
Plenary 7
Chair: Andrea Simmons (Brown University)
- Toshiya Matsushima (Hokkaido University)
Chick neuro-economics: profitability, risk and competition
AM 10:00-12:00
Invited Symposium 10: Nociceptors in the real world
Chairs: Zen Faulkes (University of Texas-Pan American), Ashlee H. Rowe (University of Texas) and Ewan Smith (Max-Delbrueck Center)
- W. Daniel Tracey (Duke University): Larval nociception behavior in Drosophila.
- Robyn J. Crook, Roger T. Hanlon and Edgar T. Walters (University of Texas Health Science Center and Marine Biological Laboratory): Does nociceptive sensitization confer fitness benefits on injured squid, Loligo pealeii?
- Ewan St. John Smith, Damir Omerbasic, Stefan G. Lechner, Gireesh Anirudhan, Liudmila Lapatsina and Gary R. Lewin (Max-Delbrueck Center and New York University): The molecular basis of behavioural acid insensitivity in the African naked mole-rat.
- Victoria Braithwaite (Pennsylvania State University): Nociception and pain in teleost fish.
Invited Symposium 11: Polarization vision: New discoveries of natural behaviours
Chairs: Nicholas Roberts and Shelby Temple (University of Bristol).
- Sönke Johnsen (Duke University): Through the looking glass: Polarization vision versus transparency and mirror-based camouflage in the open sea.
- Molly E. Cummings, Gina Calabrese and Parrish Brady (University of Texas): Polarized communication and camouflage in fishes.
- Justin Marshall, Martin How, Tsyr-Huei Chiou, Nicholas Roberts, Shelby Temple and Thomas Cronin (University of Queensland, University of Bristol, University of Maryland Blatimore County): Polarisation vision, an unexplored channel for communication?
- Megan L. Porter, Nicholas W. Roberts, Roy L. Caldwell, Justin Marshall and Thomas W. Cronin
(University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Bristol, University of California
Berkeley, University of Queensland): The evolution of polarization vision in stomatopods:
molecules, signaling and behavior.
Participant Symposium 1: Motor and sensorimotor processing
Chair: Alan Roberts (University of Bristol)
- Stefan R. Pulver, Timothy G. Bayley, Adam L. Taylor, Jimena Berni, Michael Bate and Berthold Hedwig (HHMI Janelia Farm and University of Cambridge): The core of crawling: analysis of fictive motor patterns in the isolated Drosophila larval ventral nerve cord.
- Violeta Medan, Heike Neumeister and Thomas Preuss (Hunter College and Universidad de Buenos Aires): Dendritic membrane properties influence multimodal integration for fast behavioral decision.
- Edgar Buhl, Stephen R. Soffe, Michael Hull and Alan Roberts (University of Bristol and University of Edinburgh): Making tadpole escape unpredictable: from behaviour to neurons.
- Melanie Haehnel and James C. Liao (University of Florida): Motor responses to mechanical deflections of individual neuromasts of the lateral line system in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio).
PM 14:00-16:00
Participant Symposium 2: Genes, aging and olfaction
Chair: Ana Silva (Universidad de la República)
- Javier Alejandro Maldonado Ocampo, Paulo A. Buckup, José A. Gomes and Nathan R. Lovejoy (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, and University of Toronto): Sternopygus species relationships: molecular and morphological evidence.
- Ysabel M. Giraldo, Adina Rusakov, Adrianna Kordek and James F. Traniello (Boston University): Aging brains and social behavior in an invertebrate model: neuromodulation and neuroanatomy of task attendance across the worker lifespan of the ant Pheidole dentate.
- Ajay S. Mathuru and Suresh Jesuthasan (National University of Singapore): Towards elucidating the phenomenon of alarm response in fish.
- Markus Knaden, Antonia Strutz, Jawaid Ahsan, Silke Sachse, Kathrin Steck and Bill S. Hansson (Max Planck Society): Spatial representation of odorant valence in an
insect brain.
Participant Symposium 3: Audition and mechanosensation
Chair: Annemarie Surlykke (University of Southern Denmark)
- Kathleen M. Lucas and Daniel Robert (University of Bristol): A comparison of active hearing in male and female Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti, the dengue-fever mosquito.
- Meike Linnenschmidt, Magnus Wahlberg and Janni Damsgaard-Hansen (University of Southern Denmark): Auditory brainstem response evoked by clicks of an echolocating harbour porpoise approaching a target.
- Margot A. Schwalbe and Jacqueline F. Webb (University of Rhode Island): Same prey, different strategies: how sensory morphology and behavior differ between two species of Lake Malawi cichlids.
- Ashlee H. Rowe, Yucheng Xiao, Matthew Rowe, Theodore Cummins and Harold Zakon (University of Texas): No pain, big gain: coevolution between bark scorpion pain-inducing toxins and grasshopper mouse nociceptors.
Participant Symposium 4: Visual processing
Chair: Thomas Cronin (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
- James R. Dunbier, Steven D. Wiederman and David C. O'Carroll (University of Adelaide): Predictive response facilitation to moving targets in an insect neuron.
- Jessica L. Fox, Ross G. Kelley, Jacob W. Aptekar, Camilla Larsen and Mark A. Frye (University of California Los Angeles): Two distinct visual microcircuits required for figure-ground discrimination in flies.
- Trevor J. Wardill, Paloma T. Gonzalez Bellido, Robyn Crook and Roger T. Hanlon (Marine Biological Laboratory): Neural control of dynamic structural coloration in squid iridophores.
- Chan Lin (University of Arizona): Visual learning and spatial orientation in the whirligig beetle Dineutus sublineatus.