Monday, August 6, 2012
AM 8:30-9:30
Plenary 1
Chair: John Lu (University of Miami)
- Arthur N. Popper (University of Maryland)
From blind cave fish to the Tappan Zee bridge – A tale of "translational neuroethology"
AM 10:00-12:00
Special Symposium: Roots, Progress and Prospects
Chair: Peter M. Narins (University of California Los Angeles)
- William B. Kristan (University of California San Diego): Neuro-Ethology: Evolution and
ontogeny of motor control.
- Darcy B. Kelley, Ursula Kwong-Brown, Martha L. Tobias and Damian O. Elias (Columbia
University and University of California Berkeley): Musical qualities in the songs of
African clawed frogs: phylogenetic signals and laryngeal mechanisms.
- Ronald R. Hoy (Cornell University): The roots of neuroethology: Where have all the flowers
- Catherine E. Carr (University of Maryland): Evolutionary foundations of sensory neuroethology.
PM 14:00-15:00
Plenary 2
Chair: Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Freie Universität
- Carsten Duch (Arizona State University and University of Mainz)
Probing motoneuron function with targeted genetic manipulation in Drosophila
PM 18:00-19:00
Heiligenberg Lecture
Chair: Cynthia F. Moss (University of Maryland)
- James A. Simmons (Brown University and Doshisha University)
Coherence for perception of target vs clutter in bat sonar: The role of neuroethology as pathfinder for neuroscience