Tuesday, August 7, 2012
AM 8:30-9:30
Plenary 3
Chair: Lidia Szczupak (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Ole Kiehn (Karolinska Institutet)
Probing neural circuits controlling walking: moving forward
AM 10:00-12:00
Special Symposium: Young Investigators Symposium
Chair: Paul Katz (Georgia State University)
- Antoine Wystrach (University of Sussex and Macquarie University): What ants do when they are lost? Multiple interactions between different navigational systems.
- Basil el Jundi (Lund University): The neural substrate of the celestial compass.
- Michael Yartsev (Weizmann Institute): Neural representation of two- and three-dimensional space in the hippocampal formation of behaving bats.
- Lauren O'Connell (University of Texas): Evolutionary convergence of gene modules regulating
social systems.
PM 14:00-15:00
Plenary 4
Chair: Roy Ritzmann (Case Western Reserve University)
- Malcolm Burrows (University of Cambridge)
How do animals move quickly: Interactions between brain, muscle and skeleton
PM 15:30-17:30
Invited Symposium 1: Animal visual search
Chairs: Hermann Wagner (RWTH Aachen University) and Ohad Ben-Shahar (Ben-Gurion University)
- Karla K. Evans (Harvard University): Non-selective and selective processing in human visual search.
- Julius Orlowski and Hermann Wagner (RWTH Aachen University): Visual search and orientation saliency in barn owls.
- Alik Mokeichev, Ronen Segev and Ohad Ben-Shahar (Ben Gurion University): Orientation based saliency and visual search in the archer fish.
- Vivek Nityananda, Muyun Wang, Thomas Ings, Michael Proulx, Peter Skorupski, Jonathan
Pattrick and Lars Chittka (Queen Mary University): Visual search and attention in bumblebees.
Invited Symposium 2: Correlated neural activity in tadpole and zebrafish studied by recent advanced technologies
Chair: Kazuo Imaizumi (Louisiana State University)
- Kazuo Imaizumi (Louisiana State University): Global and local synchronous spontaneous activity in the developing optic tectum.
- Mihai Alevra, Stephan Junek, Tsai-Wen Chen and Detlev Schild (Georg-August University of Gottingen, Max Planck Institute, HHMI, and DFG Research Center): Activity correlation imaging: Visualizing function and structure of neuronal populations.
- Akira Muto and Koichi Kawakami (National Institute of Genetics): Visualization of functional neural circuits in zebrafish.
German Sumbre (Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Superieure)
Invited Symposium 3: Fixed and flexible traits in mating signals: evolution, genetics and physiological background
Chairs: Varvara Vedenina (Russian Academy of Sciences) and Michael D. Greenfield (Université François Rabelais de Tours).
- John A. Endler (Deakin University): Using colour vision principles to understand criteria for mate choice.
- Michael D. Greenfield (Université François Rabelais de Tours): Phenotypic plasticity, genotype x environment interaction, and the sexual selection process.
- Andrew Mason, Damian Elias and Paul De Luca (University of Toronto, University of California Berkeley, College of the Bahamas): Complex signals: what do spiders have to say?
- Varvara Vedenina and Gerald Pollack (Russian Academy of Sciences and McGill University): Variable courtship song traits in the field cricket Gryllus assimilis fit the features of the female sensory system.
PM 18:00-19:00
Huber Lecture
Chair: Hans Hofmann (University of Texas)
- Edward A. Kravitz (Harvard University)
Genetic manipulations in the fruit fly fight club: Role of amine neurons studied at a single neuron level